Attendees: Tim Berelsman, Doug Payauys, Greg Dunn, Marijan Adam, Kim Gerhart, Nancy Tiemeier, Steve Steele, Brent Beatty, Lynn Child, Luke Skidmore, Shelby Anderson
Roll Call
Secretary Report – Minutes Approved
CTO Report – The information has been sent to the founding members to get LOA information for the cross-connect. Marijan is meeting with OARnet to integrate the IX Manager on Tuesday. It will be automated. They need to decide everything that they want automated.
Bi-Lateral Peering will be ready next week. Multi-Lateral Peering will be available the following week.
We will allow 1 MAC address per port. We can look at Jumbo Frame down the road.
Governance Committee – We received the Board of Directors form from Greg Dunn and the Conflict of Interest form from Brent Beatty.
Shelby looked into the sales tax issues and we are ok. We need to start discussing the Not For Profit filing at the next meeting.
Marketing Committee – They received the Mock-up of the website and the new logo. The content is being updated. We will change the Leave Behind to match the changes on the website. We will have available for the booth at the Columbus Connect event.
The booth needs to be manned. Doug, Luke and Kim volunteered to help man the booth.
The Welcome Package needs to be put together. It needs to list what is needed (transport/equipment).
Old Business –
Insurance Application – No change, Tim has been getting quotes
Cologix MSA – still depends on insurance
HE – We still need to contact them
Mass Market –
Status of members joining DB – Ohio IX will be listed in DB. Would like members to list in there as well.
No other update on Mass Market –
Document Sharing – Some members have used Slack for Forum. We are checking into setting it up. It can have a public and private side. More information will be provided at the next meeting.
New Business –
Monthly membership status – No additional senior or associate members.
Strategic Plan – Tim suggested a mission and vision statement. This is to be used for internal use only. Doug suggested making the mission statement more simple. He is going to draft some changes for our review.
Discussion on Timing / Need for Strategic Planning – tabled for now
We need to discuss budgeting for 2017 and fees for next year.
Next meeting – October 6, 2016 at 1:30 at Cologix.
Meeting Adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by Nancy Tiemeier