Attendees: Tim Berelsman, Doug Payauys, Marijan Adam, Kim Gerhart, Nancy Tiemeier, Brent Beatty, Luke Skidmore, Shelby Anderson, Lynn Child, Brian Riley, Steve Steele
Roll Call
Membership Applications
Secretary Report
Treasurer’s Report
CTO Report
Governance Committee
Marketing Committee – The press release draft is done.
We discussed putting together a map showing our current member reach for the website, as well as a traffic graph in the future.
The marketing committee will be working with our web design group to automate the membership application process by moving it online.
Annual meeting will April 20th. The meeting will start at 3:00 and the open house / refreshments will follow. Nancy will follow up with Ice Miller to confirm the space availability.
Old Business
New Business
Next meeting – March 9th at 1:30 at Cologix.
Meeting Adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by Nancy Tiemeier