Attendees: Tim Berelsman, Doug Payauys, Marijan Adam, Nancy Tiemeier, Brent Beatty, Luke Skidmore, Greg Dunn, Lynn Child, Kim Gerhart, Brian Riley, Brad Scott
Membership – No new applications. Once we have the updated applications, We Connect and Medina will sign. Nancy has two accounts that are interested in joining: NCS Datacom and Fairlawn Gig. Washington Electric is still considering as well.
Secretary Report – Minutes Approved
CTO Report – Luke presented a new Turn-u p Process. A process sheet was provided and discussed. We need to update the website email to Kim took care of this during the meeting.
Marijan is sending information out on Slack, which is a good communication tool for the board.
The Change order process for adding or deleting prefixes is still being worked on. They need access to the servers which they were hoping to get today.
They are completing the turn-up for CentraComm, Horizon and Everstream. If they receive access to the server, than CentraComm will be turned up tonight. The usage graphs are also tied to access to the servers.
Governance Committee – The online form is ready, it is just waiting on the change from Shelby on the wording. Cologix is reviewing the change to the form and should respond soon.
We still need Steve Steele (or Brian Riley) to sign the conflict of interest form.
Marketing Committee – The form is online (as is and will be updated when new wording is complete). When you submit the application, it sends a Thank you email. Kim provided samples of the letters that are sent out.
We can have a table at no charge again for the Columbus Connect.
Old Business – Have the insurance binder. Was given to Shelby to keep on our behalf.
New Business – None
Next meeting – September 7th at NetGain – 8235 Estates Pkwy. Tim will set up a bridge.
Meeting Adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by Nancy Tiemeier