Attendees: Tim Berelsman, Doug Payauys, Nancy Tiemeier, Brent Beatty, Luke Skidmore, Marijan Adam, Shelby Anderson, Kim Gerhart, Nick Norman,
Membership Applications – No new applications
Secretary Report – Minutes Approved
Declaration of Annual Meeting – The next Annual Meeting was proposed to be April 13, 2018 at 10:00 am. We are requesting to have the meeting at Ice Miller. This was approved pending location availability.
Prior Meeting Follow up – Compensated vs Non-Compensated Traffic between members. It doesn’t appear there is any language in the By-laws that prohibits this but Shelby will review and confirm. We will need to indemnify members as not involved.
Top 10 ASN’s – The request was made to get the Netflow analysis from all the members. IFN and Bresco has provided this information. CEC is adding some additional routers which will result in more traffic, not worth pulling the report until that is complete.
Treasurer’s Report
CTO – Cologix is announcing some routes, hopefully will be sending more. CentraComm is up but are not peering yet. Nick had some questions on communities. We are working on the OARnet and IFN connection. We have reached out to Everstream but have not heard back yet. Doug reached out on Dec 14th to coordinate turn-up and Marijan is going to reach back out as well. We are still waiting on Horizon.
Nancy will set up a call with Cologix reps to discuss Content Providers located in our facility and ways to entice them to connect to the IX. Tim will indicate when ready to set up.
Marketing Committee – No update
Governance – No updates at this time.
Old / New Business – Luke will set up meeting with CentraComm to discuss his concerns on communities and getting themselves set up.
We proposed that the deadline for connecting to the Ohio IX and being able to keep the allotted cross connect is March 31st. This was voted and passed. I will forward the information to Tim for any outstanding companies not connected.
Next meeting – February 2, at NetGain at 11:00 – 8235 Estates Pkwy
Meeting Adjourned