Ohio Ix

Attendees:  Doug Payauys, Nancy Tiemeier, Brent Beatty, Luke Skidmore, Kim Gerhart, Greg Miller,  Phil Maag, Paul Schopis, Marijan Adam, Greg Dunn, Tim Berelsman, Chris Cameron

Roll call and Approval of Agenda – Completed

Secretary Report – Minutes Approved.

Membership – An application was received Rack Squared for Senior Membership.  This was voted on and approved.  Kim will send out an invoice.  No Associate Memberships at this time.

Treasurer’s Report

CTO – No traffic from Huntington yet.  Marijan will reach out if no traffic soon.  We had to renew our domains and completed it for multiple years.  Marijan will set up a link in Google Docs to track who we want to go after (who would like to peer with).

We currently have an aggregate usage on the exchange at 300Mg and have spiked as high as 600 Mg.

We discussed putting together a best practice document.  We should have something to refer to.  Marijan will put something together and work with Brent and Luke to review.  We will check with what AMS uses.

Marketing Committee

Governance – No report

Director Agreements and Conflict of Interest – Nancy is still waiting on Tim to review the existing documents and determine if any changes need to be make.  Tim will work on this for next meeting.

Old / New Business –  

Remote Switch Operator Addendum – We discussed how MICE goes through a process to approve remote switch operators.  To be a remote switch operator, you must be a senior member.  We need to clarify that operators are not making money off of the IX.  Tim will get the committee together for a final review of the contract so we can move forward.

High value targets – discussed what accounts we want to go after.  We talked about how we could connect with Megaport.  We will work on a survey to send to members as to what high level targets would benefit them.

Next meeting – November 9th – 9:30 at NetGain 8235 Estates Pkwy, Plain City

Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by Nancy Tiemeier