Attendees: Doug Payauys, Nancy Tiemeier, Brent Beatty, Luke Skidmore, Kim Gerhart, Marijan Adam, Tim Berelsman, Adam Kujawski, Greg Dunn, Jason Pontious, Brian Riley
Roll call and Approval of Agenda – Completed
Secretary Report – Minutes Approved.
Membership – Associate applications presented for Valtech and Setson. Both were discussed and approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Associate Member Applications – Little Miami Gig, MORPC, NPG Solutions – All were approved. Tim Berelsman abstained on vote for Miami Gig
Senior Member Applications – no new applications.
Content Sourcing –
- Cloudflare – IP information was sent and cross connect is done. Brent will reach out to them.
- Fastly has gone dark, we will reach out again
- Netflix – sent some data. They usually look for about 5 Gig of data. Bresco has about 3 Gig and Ampex has 3 Gig as well. Since we are a non-profit, they want one member to house the servers and be responsible for them. Brent is willing to host the server and handle the cache.
- Twitch reached out to Brent and we discussed how they would be a great addition. Brent is going to get back with them and discuss.
- gtt and the City of Hilliard are planning to join as a senior member
- Added Brent as a remote switch operator
- Traffic peaks are 800 Mbps and higher
- Need to figure out how to get the statistics from the remote operators to give us total traffic
- Plan to put graph on website of usage once we hit 1 Gig
- CEC plans to start moving more traffic to the IX based on changes they are making to their network
- Everstream still not peering. The IP is pinging and the cross connect is complete.
- Horizon looking to let residential users connect through their IX connection – 4 to 5 Gig on Netflix
Marketing Committee
- Need to update dues on the website for 2018 and 2019 as $0
- The City of Hilliard is planning to be a senior member, getting ASN
- Fairlawn Gig plans to join as soon as 100G is complete
- Untangled Lightspeed will submit senior application
- The City of Columbus, City of Dublin and City of Westerville would be good Associate Members. We are working with them.
- CBTS wants to join and possibly be a remote switch operator
- Waddell Solutions also may be interested in being a remote switch operator in Cincinnati
- We need to track remote switch operators, they need to provide technical information on where they are at
Governance – No report
Old / New Business
- Tim is going to be CEO for Miami Gig. He would like to stay on the board as Chairman. We will discuss more in June when he is officially working for this new company
- Budget for 2019 – need to establish. We need to purchase some equipment – 40 and 100G compatible. We have enough capacity for 10 G. Adam proposes MX204 – 400 G router QFX5110 series
- We need a new OARnet contact since Paul has retired.
- Adam offered to maintain the IX for 2 years, keeping the colo server in Columbus. Adam, Brent and Marijan will meet.
- It was suggested that we list with IXP.db
- Motion to adjourn.
Next meeting June 6th at Cologix at 2:00 (this date will be possibly changing to June 5th due to schedule conflicts)
Meeting Adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by Nancy Tiemeier