Ohio Ix

January 13, 2020 Ohio IX Meeting

Attendees: Doug Payauys, Nancy Tiemeier, Brent Beatty, Marijan Adam, Adam Kujawski, Greg Dunn, Chris Cameron, Luke Skidmore, Kim Gerhart and a guest Bryan Gillespie from H5 Data Centers

Roll call and Approval of Agenda – Completed

Secretary Report – Minutes Approved.

Governance – n/a

Treasurer’s Report

Associate & Senior Member Applications – Senior Memberships – H5 Data Center and Vision Concept Technology. Both were voted on and approved

Content Sourcing – Still working on Google connectivity


  • All services are currently being managed by us now and not OARnet
  • We have a couple 40G connections activated
  • Fastly is now connected
  • We are averaging about 4 Gb of traffic now
  • Marijan is working with Adam on the IP manager to be installed at Cologix
  • They would like to get approval for a new switch – A motion was made to approve purchasing a new switch not to exceed $15,000 (not counting shipping and taxes). The motion was seconded and passed.
  • We have seen significant growth in our traffic and next month will start showing the usage on our website.
  • Again stressed everyone needs to update peeringdb (content providers really look at that)

Marketing Committee – Kim will update the website with the new members. She updated how companies are listed on the website. If any information is missing, please send it to Kim.

Old / New Business

  • Tim Berelsman has resigned from the Board and as Chairman. We appreciate Tim’s leadership and are a lot further along than we would have been if he hadn’t lead the group to this point. If possible, we would welcome him back on the board if possible in the future.
  • Doug Payauys was nominated and approved to take over the Chairman role until the board appointments are made at the next annual meeting and approved for the next term. We discussed Brent Beatty taking over the Vice Chairman role temporarily and have tabled the discussion until the next meeting. If he does take it over, he will want someone else to take over the Marketing committee. Chris Cameron was recommended for this role. We will continue discussions at the next meeting. Jason Pontius from CentraComm also resigned from the board and there were some discussions as to who could fill that position. Amplex will take the board position. This was voted on and approved.
  • Discussion of senior member payments with the new cost structure. We don’t want existing members to pay more than new members with the older pay structure. Existing members won’t pay the new renewal fee until they have covered what they already have paid (example – if you just paid $3150, you won’t start paying the additional $1,000 until the 4th year when you have gotten credit for the 3 years at $1000).
  • We had a discussion to bring Google caching servers into the IX. Brent will donate bandwidth for a direct peer connection to the IX and upgrade his connection to 40G. The vote will be to bring the servers into the IX through Bresco’s connection. We need to figure out routing and could also need another ASN for the IX. We approved to have the tech committee continue discussions to support the Google Cache servers into our environment.
  • Discussion on H5 having a remote switch. We can provide guidance to them but the IX doesn’t maintain the remote end. They will need a Layer 2 connection and a link to Columbus.

Next meeting will be February 6th at NetGain at 9:30

Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by Nancy Tiemeier