Ohio Ix

July 22, 2022 OhioIX Meeting

Attendees:  Nancy Tiemeier, Luke Skidmore, Doug Payauys, Brent Beatty, Jason Gintert, Todd Jackson, Josh Rowe, Chris Cameron, and Greg Dunn

Roll call and Approval of Agenda – Completed

Secretary Report – Minutes Approved 

Governance – A RFI regarding the Middle Mile infrastructure is going out, they are looking for partners. If you are interested, contact Peter.

Associate & Senior Member Applications – No new applications

The City of Columbus wants to join the IX but wants to pay for 3 years dues upfront. We will check our code of conduct but we should be able to have them pay us and we will escrow the subsequent years. The same would apply for the cross connect. If the cross connect fee went up, the would need to handle the extra cost.

Content Committee


  • The Google presence in Columbus is cloud only at this point, no content yet. We are trying for cache, they won’t do direct peering yet
  • Akamai is connected to us in Cleveland
  • Facebook is close, they are sending us optics
  • Turning up cache for Linux
  • The happy hour will be August 4th at McKenzie River in Columbus. Will look at September for Cleveland. A possible site is the Oak Barrell and Cincinnati for October. Aaron Holtz has a brewery in Cincinnati that we should look into.
  • The Fiber Connect is November 3rd – is this something we are interested in?

Tech Committee / CTO Report

  • We are currently sitting between 35 and 45 Gbps of traffic
  • Packet Clearing House is up – pasted on LinkedIn and Twitter. Quad 9 will be up
  • There was an outage on July 8th. 2 fans died in a server. Marijan provided the fans. We will be getting some spare chasis and 100 Gbps spares
  • Akamai peaked at 600 Mbps after turning up. You can direct peer with them.
  • We need a new PDU for our rack
  • Moving new automated route server on July 31st
  • We installed 100 Gbps optics for Amazon and Path Networks
  • Upgraded to 6.2 IXP Manager
  • Set up new email lists for announcing information on the IX and one for technical information.

Old / New Business 

  • MegaPort – Discussed giving pro bono 10G connection and free cross connect. It would provide connection to Cxtera and allow people outside the region to connect. Anyone using them would still need to be a member to peer. We would also get a free port from them. Need to set up metrics with a time limit. We moved to offer Megaport a 12 month connection with details to be finalized. This is not a membership, adding as a content provider for benefit of members. This was seconded and passed.
  • Broadband Ohio – Brochure has been put together and Jason put costs together for Phase 1 and Phase 2. We just need to add labor costs. Phase 1 $344,254 / $16, 576 OPX. Phase 2 – $1,822,850 / $172,960 OPX. We still need transport. OARnet is key and Fairlawn Gig also has key transport and is willing to work with us. We need an agreement in place with a carrier. We will submit Phase 1 asking for $1,000,000
  • Annual Meeting – Top Golf August 18th from 1:00 to 4:30. We will serve lunch at the same time as the meeting this time so people aren’t waiting to eat. Todd, Brian and Jason do shared drive for PowerPoint. We want to do a member share again this year. Luke will speak on this. Sending out the save the date and the invite with registration. Will get with Jason on hubspot
  • Doug moved to shut down H5 as a remote switch operator. If they want to come back, they must follow procedures. This was seconded and passed.
  • The next meeting will be after the annual meeting on August 19th at Top Golf

Next meeting – The next Ohio IX Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for August 19, 2022.  We will also provide a dial-in

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Tiemeier