November 9, 2018 Ohio IX Meeting
Attendees: Doug Payauys, Nancy Tiemeier, Brent Beatty, Luke Skidmore, Kim Gerhart, Paul Schopis, Marijan Adam, Greg Dunn, Tim Berelsman, Chris Cameron
Roll call and Approval of Agenda – Completed
Secretary Report – Minutes Approved.
Membership – No new applications
Treasurer’s Report
CTO – HNB traffic will start after internal freeze in January. Jeff Orr stated he would be willing to help with the IX if we needed. Cologix is working to shift traffic to new routers and won’t need copper connection anymore.
Marketing Committee – Brent talked to Amplex and Buckeye Cable. We sent out a survey to see who members were interested in connecting to. We have received 5 responses so far.
Governance – No report
Director Agreements and Conflict of Interest – We are using the same documents. The conflict of interest forms were handed out to those at the meeting and Nancy will send out to those members that were not here. Board of Director Agreements will be sent to new Board members.
Old / New Business –
Remote Switch Operator Addendum – Tim reviewed the document and sent it to Doug, Brent, Nancy, Marijan and Kim to review. They are setting up a follow up call to discuss and provide final recommendations.
Greg Miller is no longer with CentraComm. We accepted his resignation since he is no longer with the company. Jason Pontious from CentraComm was suggested to fill that open position. The Board moved and approved Jason for the open position.
There was a discussion how the Detroit IX allowing schools to join their IX opened up content providers to want to be part of the Exchange. It might be something to consider here. We also discussed how OARnet can share some traffic through the Ohio IX. Netflix may make the most sense initially. We are interested in getting content and noted that Facebook is going to have a data center in Columbus. It would make sense to reach out to them.
Next meeting – December 14th – 2:30 at NetGain 8235 Estates Pkwy, Plain City. We will have a quick meeting and then go for a drink after to celebrate the holiday and a good year.
Meeting Adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by Nancy Tiemeier