March 8, 2019 Ohio IX Meeting
Attendees: Doug Payauys, Nancy Tiemeier, Brent Beatty, Luke Skidmore, Kim Gerhart, Marijan Adam, ,Tim Berelsman, Chris Cameron, Adam Kujawski, Greg Dunn
Roll call and Approval of Agenda – Completed
Secretary Report – Minutes Approved.
Membership – Associate applications presented for Valtech and Setson. Both were discussed and approved.
Treasurers Report –
Content Sourcing Committee Update – Nancy, Brent and Marijan had a call with Fastly. They are interested in joining the IX if no cost to connect for 1 year. At that time all parties will evaluate the traffic and how to proceed. They are filling out the information and providing an LOA for the cross connect. We discussed having language on the website that if there are issues with a member, we can disconnect. We want to check that before connecting Fastly to the IX.
- Discussion on peering with Amazon, but no board members currently have direct connectivity need to AWS. No action at this time.
- Adam had discussion with CloudFlare – Brent, Nancy, Marijan will have discussion with them for reduced cost connectivity.
- Adam shared that some others might be interest in joining, but connect at 251 Neilston. Would need remote switch there.
- Ready to peer with Valtech
- IPv6 peering is up – Amplex and Bresco are peering
- No movement with Everstream to finish peering
Remote Switch Discussion
- Tim reviewed some renewal language with Greg on the Remote Switch Operator Agreement. Either party can terminate at will.
- Information in Remote Switch Agreement about Initial Fee: $3150 Senior, $500 Associate
- Approval of changes review by Tim (ask Tim for these) – motion by Brent, second by Luke
Marketing Committee
- Invite ready / RSVP for reception after annual meeting (forward on to technical team members and special guests)
- Invite for annual meeting needs to go out Tuesday (not before) – April 10th is annual meeting
- Nancy maintains an email list of members, Kim to reach out to Nancy for this list.
- Discussion on how to list remote tenants or remote switch operator locations; Kim directed others to review how MICE lists remotes. Kim will likely mimic MICE’s remote switch web posting for now.
Governance – No report
Old / New Business
- Discussion of people to invite to annual meeting (mostly local, but some nationals) – get carriers/interested companies to Brent, Kim, or Nancy.
- Discussion of reducing senior member fee to make Ohio IX more attractive.
- Insurance coverage renewals – Tim will process
- Paul, Steve Steele, Tim up for election. Discussion on whether there should be a nominating committee.
- Discussion on purchasing switch equipment since we have some funds
- Discussion about holding annual meeting at an alternative site – Brent will look for hotels at Crosswoods that can handle us.
- Motion to adjourn at 10:47 AM by Luke, Doug second.
Next meeting April 10th at Cologix (has now been moved to Top Golf) at 1:30 for annual meeting.
Meeting Adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by Nancy Tiemeier and Doug Payauys