April 9, 2020 Ohio IX Meeting
Attendees: Nancy Tiemeier, Brent Beatty, Marijan Adam, Adam Kujawski, Chris Cameron, Luke Skidmore, Kim Gerhart, Brian Riley, Doug Payauys, Phil Maag, Greg Dunn
Roll call and Approval of Agenda – Completed
Secretary Report – Minutes Approved
Governance – went over the Chairman position with Tim gone (reviewed with Greg what we have decided on)
Treasurer’s Report – Approved
Associate & Senior Member Applications – Rowe Networks submitted a senior membership. Will connect through Bresco’s remote switch. Discussed and approved
Content Sourcing –
- Reminder that members can peer with gtt through Bresco.
- Brent was contacted by someone to connect Equinix to Columbus through IX reach. We would have to pay a port fee and connection fee to access resources on their IX. We want to continue discussions.
- Brian and Adam reached out to OARnet but haven’t heard anything back regarding Twitch. Greg Dunn will also reach out.
Marketing Committee –
- The March event with Accent, Bresco, Cologix and IX was canceled due to covid-19
- Going to look at virtual options to get the word out on the IX
- One suggestion is to put information out on LinkedIN and also do member spotlights on LinkedIn.
- Suggestion to send something out to current members to update everyone on current membership and requests to inform others on the IX
- It was noticed that Tim’s LinkedIn profile still shows him as the Chairman of the IX. Doug will talk to him to remove it.
- Suggested board members link their profile to the IX
- Kim will send Chris information on past press releases and how we submitted them.
- Adam provided Kim content for the website on usage tables and graphs. Membership information has also been updated.
- Skymesh is now online
- We are exceeding 8 Gig/day
- New switch (100 G) was delivered to Adam. They are testing connectivity options
- We should make efforts for local providers to peer and improve work from home. If we could get Spectrum, WOW and AT&T to join, it would be great so traffic didn’t go to Chicago. Brent has talked to WOW but Spectrum and AT&T don’t usually peer with Exchanges.
- Would like to push downstream ANS users to be associated with the IX. Will continue to discuss
Old / New Business
- Discussed previous email requirement by TopGolf to complete our meeting by September 1. Brent had a call with the manager and due to the unprecedented coronavirus situation, they are much more flexible about when we have a meeting. Likely could be extended into next year.
- No date set yet for the annual meeting while we pay attention to the coronavirus situation, but Doug asked that members keep an eye on July or August as possible annual meeting months. Suggested that we could hold the meeting without doing an event at TopGolf and then maybe just do a member appreciate day on a future date.
Next meeting – May 7th at 9:30. This will also be a video conference
Meeting Adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by Nancy Tiemeier