Ohio Ix

Attendees: Nancy Tiemeier, Brent Beatty, Marijan Adam, Adam Kujawski, Chris Cameron, Luke Skidmore, Kim Gerhart, Brian Riley, Doug Payauys, Phil Maag, Greg Dunn

Roll call and Approval of Agenda – Completed

Secretary Report – Minutes Approved

Governance – no updates

Treasurer’s Report

Associate & Senior Member Applications – no new applications at this time

Content Sourcing –

  • Brent is still working on same prospects, he also reached out to FaceBook.

Marketing Committee –

  • Nancy and Brent talked to Waddell Solutions. They are still working on transport from Cincinnati to Columbus to become a remote switch operator
  • Chris, Brent and Nancy met to discuss new ideas.   We are going to do a member spotlight on LinkedIn to try and help to get the word out. We started this a few weeks ago and will to Senior members on Tuesdays and Associate Members on Thursdays. It would be helpful if members went to the profile to like and share. Also share any posts that you see on the IX.
  • We discussed doing spotlight videos. Brent is checking with someone that could do it. Once know more on cost, will bring back to the board for discussion.
  • We want to set up a new email account so we can track results of Marketing efforts. We would like to ixinfo@ohioix.net. Marijan is going to help set it up.


  • We are turning up Vision CTS
  • IPv4 request has been sent to ARIN, we are waiting on approval.
  • The maintenance that was scheduled for Friday on our equipment is being rescheduled.
  • Our traffic has dropped, IFN is getting traffic from Fastly and Cloudflare. It is a reduction of 3 -4 Gig since April. We are going to reach out to them to see if they have done maintenance or something that affected the traffic.
  • We haven’t had luck getting in touch with Everstream on their traffic. We need to include Chuck Girt on correspondence as well.

 Old / New Business

No new or old business discussed

Next meeting will be June 4, 2020. This will be a remote meeting and conference bridge will be sent out.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Tiemeier