Ohio Ix

June 4, 2020 Ohio IX Meeting

Attendees:  Nancy Tiemeier, Brent Beatty, Marijan Adam,  Chris Cameron, Luke Skidmore, Kim Gerhart, Brian Riley, Doug Payauys, Phil Maag, Greg Dunn, Adam Kujawski

Roll call and Approval of Agenda – Completed

Secretary Report – Minutes Approved with correction of attendees.  Adam had been listed as attending but he wasn’t able to attend.

Governance – Greg provided an update on the House Bill that will establish programs for broadband programs and help build networks may pass this year.  He still needs to get ahold of Pankaj at OARnet to discuss peering with the IX.

Treasurer’s Report

Associate & Senior Member Applications – Associate application for Hawaii Pacific Transport.  No one on the board has spoken to them before or were familiar with them, Brent is going to reach out and talk to them.  After discussion we have approved them as an associate member pending Brent’s conversation with them.


Content Sourcing

  • Cogent is rethinking their position on joining the IX. They had pulled away from IX’s but may consider the Ohio IX due to traffic in this area.


Marketing Committee

  • The committee did not meet in May but will meet in June. Some content has been shared on LinkedIN through member spotlights.
  • Marijan set up the ixinfo@ohioix.net email so we can use it for sending information out and tracking success.
  • Doug reached out to Tim since his LinkedIn was still showing Chairman of the IX. His account is now updated.
  • Doug brought up that we may want to start talking to vendors about becoming Associate Members and Phil brought up associations such as ORBA. We will discuss this further in the next committee meeting.


  • Vision CTS is connected but they need to provide peering information. We saw traffic but wasn’t identified so have moved it off until we get the information from Chad.
  • IPv4 request has been approved and we are on the waiting list. We are 180th on the list.
  • The maintenance was completed last Friday. The 100 G switch is installed with the cable management.
  • Our traffic is about the same. We have not gotten ahold of IFN to see why the traffic to Cloudflare has dropped so much.  Still working on contacting them.
  • Everstream was set up but had a peering issue so is back down. They should resume sending traffic this month.


Old / New Business

We discussed the annual meeting.  Since we still can’t meet in a group, we may have to do in online.  We discussed some ideas to send something out to the members to help them feel connected.  August was suggested to have the virtual meeting.  Doug, Brent, Nancy and Kim will meet to discuss further.

Next meeting will be July 9, 2020.  This will be a remote meeting and Conference Bridge will be sent out.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Tiemeier